Biden's Shaky Start in Debate with Trump Rattles Democrats

Biden’s Shaky Start in Debate with Trump Rattles Democrats

By Minul Islam Rony


A Night of High Stakes

Biden's Shaky Start in Debate with Trump Rattles Democrats
Biden’s Shaky Start in Debate with Trump Rattles Democrats

Biden’s Struggle on the Debate Stage

U.S. President Joe Biden’s supporters were hopeful that Thursday night’s debate would put to rest concerns about his age and fitness to serve another term. Instead, the 81-year-old president’s hoarse voice and occasionally tentative performance against Republican rival Donald Trump seemed to have the opposite effect.

Age Concerns Amplified

Both Biden and Trump, 78, have faced scrutiny regarding their age and overall fitness for office in the run-up to the November 5 election. However, these concerns have weighed more heavily on Biden. The president’s health and ability to effectively communicate have been under intense observation, especially during public appearances such as this high-stakes debate.

A Struggling Performance

With his voice strained from a cold, Biden rushed through some of his talking points on the debate stage. He stumbled over certain answers and trailed off during others, presenting a less than confident demeanor.

A Strategic Blunder?

About halfway through the debate, a Democratic strategist who had worked on Biden’s 2020 campaign called it a “disaster.” The assessment underscored the dismay among some of Biden’s supporters and strategists who had hoped for a strong performance to quell doubts about his age and vitality.

Trump’s Offensive Strategy

Trump, known for his aggressive debate style, unleashed a barrage of criticisms. These included familiar but debunked claims about migrants causing a crime wave and false accusations that Democrats support infanticide. Trump’s confrontational approach seemed to highlight Biden’s hesitance, exacerbating the perception of a faltering Biden.

A Moment of Pause

Early in the debate, Biden paused while making a point about Medicare and tax reform. He appeared to lose his train of thought, resulting in a fragmented explanation that left many confused.


“Tax reform would create money to help strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I was able to do with the, with the COVID, excuse me, with dealing with everything we had to do with,” Biden said, pausing. “We finally beat Medicare.”

Trump’s Jabs and Observations

Trump seized on Biden’s moment of confusion, mocking the president’s coherence. “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said,” Trump quipped.

Ray La Raja, a political science professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, commented, “Biden’s not talking in a measured way and looks like he’s searching for words.” This observation resonated with many viewers who found Biden’s performance unsettling.

Preparations and Expectations

Debate Camp at Camp David

In the lead-up to the debate, Biden confined himself to nearly a week of intensive preparation with top advisers at the Camp David presidential retreat in western Maryland. This period, dubbed “debate camp,” was meant to ensure Biden’s readiness for the critical engagement. However, critics argue that this preparation did not translate into a strong performance.

Critical Reactions

Joe Walsh, a former 2020 Republican presidential candidate and vocal Trump critic, expressed his disappointment on social media. “Trump is Trump, every word out of his mouth is bullshit. But Biden sounds old. And lost. And that’s going to matter more than anything. So far, this is an absolute nightmare for Biden,” Walsh wrote on X.

The Road Ahead

The debate underscored the significant challenges facing Biden as he campaigns for a second term. The president’s team will need to address the concerns raised by his performance and reassure voters of his capability to lead the nation for another four years.


Biden’s performance in the debate with Trump has raised fresh concerns among Democrats about his age and fitness for office. The president’s shaky delivery and moments of confusion have intensified the scrutiny he faces, making the road to re-election even more challenging. As the election approaches, Biden’s campaign will need to navigate these issues carefully to maintain voter confidence.


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