Father Finds Closure After 24 Years Confession Leads to Discovery of Daughter and Wife's Remains

Father Finds Closure After 24 Years: Confession Leads to Discovery of Daughter and Wife’s Remains


He Led Investigators to the Very Spot They Were Buried: The Father of the Slain Daughter Finally Finding Closure

Father Finds Closure After 24 Years Confession Leads to Discovery of Daughter and Wife's Remains
Father Finds Closure After 24 Years Confession Leads to Discovery of Daughter and Wife’s Remains

Reporter: It was a mystery for more than two decades. Whatever happened to 10-year-old Natasha Carter and her mother Susan?

“Missing child” posters were everywhere. Her father says he did everything to find them, but it wasn’t until now, 24 years later, that he got answers. Police say a stunning confession came from an 82-year-old man, Larry Webb, who was on his deathbed.

“He did tell exactly how he murdered both women, we wrapped the bodies in bed linens, how they spent two days on the basement floor of his home while he dug a shallow grave in his backyard,” officials revealed.


Officials uncovered the remains of Susan and Alex in a yard. The confession comes four years after officials found a bloodstained bullet located behind a baseboard in what was once the missing girl’s bedroom. The DNA on it was hers. The discovery led to the indictment of Larry Webb for murder, but his health took a turn for the worst, causing multiple delays in the case.

Now authorities say they know not only who killed Alex and Susan but also why.

“The reason he shot Susan Carter is that he had some cash money in the home that he went back for, and that money was missing,” officials disclosed.

Officials say Webb admitted to shooting Susan in an argument and killing her daughter to cover up his tracks. The tracks now visible, plaguing decades of uncertainty ever since his little girl disappeared.

“Never give up. They may think you are bugging them or whatever. But you know, never give up. Eventually someone will listen,” the father urged.

Officials admit there were mistakes made in the investigation, but they are relieved that closure has finally come for the family after 24 long years of waiting for justice.

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