Grasscutter Killed by Fallen Tree in Kota Kinabalu

Grasscutter Killed by Fallen Tree in Kota Kinabalu

By Minul Islam Rony

Tragic Incident Near SMK Tebobon Claims Life of 35-Year-Old

Grasscutter Killed by Fallen Tree in Kota Kinabalu
Grasscutter Killed by Fallen Tree in Kota Kinabalu

KOTA KINABALU (June 11): A tragic incident unfolded near SMK Tebobon here on Tuesday, resulting in the loss of a grasscutter’s life. The 35-year-old individual was fatally struck by a fallen tree while performing his duties.

According to reports, the victim was engaged in clearing grass in the vicinity of the school premises when the unfortunate incident occurred at approximately 9 am. The tree suddenly collapsed, crushing the grasscutter beneath its weight.

Medical personnel who arrived at the scene swiftly confirmed the man’s demise. The Fire and Rescue Department was alerted to the situation via a distress call at 9:26 am.

In response, eleven personnel promptly mobilized to the site, equipped with chainsaws to cut through the tree’s branches and retrieve the victim. Despite their efforts, the grasscutter could not be saved.

Subsequently, the deceased’s body was transferred into the custody of the local authorities for further investigation and necessary procedures.

This tragic event serves as a sobering reminder of the potential dangers associated with outdoor work activities, especially those involving heavy machinery and natural elements.

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