Simunjan Zone Three Drainage Project Completed Early, Reduces Flood Risk

Simunjan Zone Three Drainage Project Completed Early, Reduces Flood Risk


SIMUNJAN, Feb 13 – The drainage cleaning project for Zone Three in Simunjan has been successfully completed ahead of schedule, much to the delight of local residents. The early completion of this RM1.12 million project significantly reduces the risk of flooding and improves water flow in the affected areas.

Simunjan Zone Three Drainage Project Completed Early, Reduces Flood Risk
Simunjan Zone Three Drainage Project Completed Early, Reduces Flood Risk / Photo Credit: UKAS

The project handover ceremony was held at Sri Simunjan Rest House on Thursday. Present to witness the event were Simunjan Assemblyman (ADUN) Awla Dris and Chua Wey Lin, Administrative Officer of the Samarahan Region Integrated Development Agency (IRSDA).

Key Details of the Project

This project, financed by IRSDA and implemented by the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) Samarahan Division, involved extensive cleaning and maintenance of drainage systems.


  • The cleaning covered a total of 136,138 meters of trenches.
  • The first phase focused on 68,374 meters, while the second phase addressed 67,764 meters, along with the maintenance of 1,940 meters of drainage tires.
  • It started on July 1, 2023, and was scheduled to complete by July 1, 2024, but was completed ahead of time.

The cleaned drainage area begins at Sg. Ladong Village, Sebuyau, and ends at Sedilo Village, Simunjan.

Simunjan Zone Three Drainage Project Completed Early, Reduces Flood Risk
Simunjan Zone Three Drainage Project Completed Early, Reduces Flood Risk / Photo Credit: UKAS

Praise and Hopes for Future Maintenance

ADUN Simunjan Awla Dris commended the contractors for their efficiency, emphasizing how the project will benefit residents, especially during heavy rainfall.
“This project is very important in preventing floods and ensuring smoother water flow,” said Awla.

Simunjan Zone Three Drainage Project Completed Early, Reduces Flood Risk
Simunjan Zone Three Drainage Project Completed Early, Reduces Flood Risk / Photo Credit: UKAS

Local ethnic leaders also expressed their gratitude to ADUN Simunjan and the government agencies for addressing the drainage issue. They hope that similar maintenance projects will continue in the future to keep the drainage system in good condition. – UKAS EDITION

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