11,713 Candidates Excel in 2023 SPM with Straight A's

11,713 Candidates Excel in 2023 SPM with Straight A’s

By Minul Islam Rony

Record-Breaking Results Announced by Education Director-General Azman Adnan

11,713 Candidates Excel in 2023 SPM with Straight A's
11,713 Candidates Excel in 2023 SPM with Straight A’s

PUTRAJAYA: In an impressive achievement, a total of 11,713 candidates who sat for the 2023 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examination scored excellent results, obtaining A+, A, and A- grades in all subjects. Education Director-General Azman Adnan announced the results today, highlighting the improved performance of the 2023 candidates compared to the previous year.

Improvement in National Average Grade

Azman Adnan reported that the candidates recorded a National Average Grade (GPN) of 4.60, an improvement from the 4.74 recorded in 2022. A smaller GPN value indicates better candidate achievement, showcasing the enhanced performance of the 2023 cohort.

Increased Pass Rates and Certification Eligibility

Out of the 373,255 candidates who sat for the 2023 SPM, 226,358 candidates, or 60.6%, obtained at least a pass in all subjects, compared to 57.1% in 2022. Additionally, 93.5% of candidates, totaling 349,297, are eligible for the 2023 SPM certificate, an increase from the 342,742 eligible candidates in 2022. This 1.9% increase marks the best achievement since 2013.

Subject Performance Highlights

Core Subjects

Azman highlighted the improved performance in all core subjects for the 2023 SPM examination, including Malay, English, Islamic Education, Moral Education, History, Mathematics, and Science. Moral Education showed the highest improvement with a performance increase of 0.20 points, while Malay demonstrated the best performance with a Subject Average Grade (GPMP) of 3.86 points.

Elective Subjects

For elective subjects, 50 subjects showed an increase in performance, 19 subjects experienced a decrease, and one subject remained unchanged. All four STEM elective subjects, including Pure Science and Additional Mathematics, showed improvement. Physics recorded the highest performance increase of 0.22 points and was the best-performing subject in this group, with a GPMP of 4.15 points.

Addressing Absenteeism

During the press conference, Azman Adnan also addressed the issue of absenteeism, noting that more than 10,000 candidates were absent from the 2023 SPM. Despite the high number, it showed a reduction from the previous year. The Ministry of Education (MoE) will investigate the reasons behind this absenteeism.

Clarification on Appreciation Ceremony

Azman dispelled rumors regarding the ban on appreciation ceremonies for SPM candidates, which had circulated on social media. He clarified that the ministry does not ban such ceremonies but suggests holding them after the school holidays.

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