Explore the Great Potential of the Keringkam Business

Explore the Great Potential of the Keringkam Business


Entrepreneurs Encouraged to Develop Keringkam Industry

Explore the Great Potential of the Keringkam Business
Explore the Great Potential of the Keringkam Business

KUCHING: Entrepreneurs in the textile and clothing industry are being encouraged to further develop their skills and businesses in the art of keringkam, according to Deputy Minister of Rural and Regional Development, Datuk Rubiah Wang. This intricate traditional hand embroidery has great potential to become a profitable business, he noted.

Preserving Cultural Heritage Through Keringkam

Rubiah highlighted that involvement in the keringkam industry not only preserves the traditional cultural heritage of the Sarawak Malay community but also offers a pathway to becoming successful entrepreneurs.

“Seni keringkam can be used as an aspect of skill where the purpose is not only to preserve heritage but also to produce successful entrepreneurs,” he said. “This is because a scarf or tudung keringkam can reach thousands of ringgit depending on the motif and embroidery design.”

Inspirasiku Women’s Knowledge Discourse Program (WINS)

Rubiah made these remarks while inaugurating the closing ceremony of the Inspirasiku Women’s Knowledge Discourse Program (WINS), organized by the Sarawak State Community Development Department (KEMAS) at Mydin Vista Tunku.


Empowering Entrepreneurs

The two-day WINS event provided a platform for participants, particularly rural entrepreneurs, to gain insights and motivation. Rubiah emphasized that new entrepreneurs should leverage the knowledge shared by experienced entrepreneurs and training clinics to improve the quality and marketability of their products.

“Entrepreneurs must have a high competitive spirit and be able to identify quality products and know their market. What is important here is that their products are well received and are always in the hearts of customers in addition to being improved from time to time,” he added.

Participation and Objectives

The program saw participation from about 300 individuals, including KEMAS Skills Class participants, Quick Win Entrepreneurs, Short Term Skills Course Participants (KKPJ), Village Economic Assistance Program Participants (BEK), and Income Enhancement Program Participants (PPP).

One of the program’s objectives was to provide a platform for women to share their views and experiences with successful women across different states. Additionally, the program aimed to create a network of rural Quick Win entrepreneurs through KEMAS guidance, leveraging online business potential and government-provided information on income enhancement for small and medium start-up entrepreneurs.

KEMAS Director General Datuk Ahmad Kamal Idris Mohd Narawi and other officials were also present at the event.

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