Fear Grips Residents of Sunai Malim, Kbang Amid Crocodile Sightings and Livestock Disappearances

Fear Grips Residents of Sunai Malim, Kbang Amid Crocodile Sightings and Livestock Disappearances


Livelihoods at Risk as Crocodile Sightings Increase

Fear Grips Residents of Sunai Malim, Kbang Amid Crocodile Sightings and Livestock Disappearances
Fear Grips Residents of Sunai Malim, Kbang Amid Crocodile Sightings and Livestock Disappearances

Residents along Sunai Malim in Kbang are living in fear following recent sightings of crocodiles and the mysterious disappearance of livestock. The reptiles have been spotted sneaking into the area near the riverbank where local farmers graze their animals, leading to several attacks and missing livestock.

Community Dependent on Waterway Faces Uncertainty

Nolan Ibraim, a 53-year-old resident, highlighted the critical dependence of the community on the river. “A majority of the 3,000 residents living along the riverbank depend on the Waterway for their livelihoods,” he said, emphasizing the potential impact on the local economy and way of life.


Young Livestock Breeder Faces Heavy Losses

Muhammad N. Iman Ahmed, a 24-year-old livestock breeder, recounted his personal losses due to the crocodile menace. “I have lost three goats to saltwater crocodiles in the last three months,” he reported. The losses have not only affected his income but also instilled a sense of dread among the breeders in the area.

Authorities Acknowledge the Threat

Hamza Ibrahim, Deputy Chairman of the Kang Basar Village Security and Development Committee, confirmed the frequency of the sightings. “Based on the frequency of sightings, the animals were most likely four or five in number,” he stated. Efforts are presumably underway to address the threat and ensure the safety of both the residents and their livestock.

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