Samarahan Crocodile Hunter Team Captures Two Large Crocodiles

Samarahan Crocodile Hunter Team Captures Two Large Crocodiles

By Minul Islam Rony

Successful Capture in Kampung Tanjung Tuang River

Samarahan Crocodile Hunter Team Captures Two Large Crocodiles
Samarahan Crocodile Hunter Team Captures Two Large Crocodiles

KUCHING: In a remarkable feat, the Samarahan Crocodile Hunter (SCH) team successfully captured two large crocodiles in Kampung Tanjung Tuang River, Kota Samarahan, yesterday. This significant event has brought relief to local residents and fishermen who had reported sightings of the reptiles near the river jetty.

Details of the Capture

Counselor Aziz Mohammad, head of the Samarahan Crocodile Hunter Assistance Team, shared details about the operation. The first crocodile was estimated to weigh around 500 kilograms, while the second weighed approximately 300 kilograms.

“The two crocodiles were caught in Sungai Kampung Tanjung Tuang following a complaint from fishermen who spotted them swimming near the jetty,” Aziz reported. “An inspection carried out at night confirmed the presence of the reptiles.”

Bait and Capture Process

Aziz explained that the crocodiles were attracted by old chicken bait installed on Saturday afternoon. “At noon the next day, we checked the bait and found it had been effective. The crocodiles typically stay under the jetty and frequent the area,” he noted.

He emphasized the importance of caution when near the river. “Do not take it lightly when you are under the bridge, like washing your feet, and always heed the advice given,” he stressed.

Disposal of the Captured Crocodiles

Regarding the fate of the captured crocodiles, Aziz assured that they would be handled responsibly. “Following advice from the Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC), the crocodiles will be disposed of in a way that ensures the safety of other river users,” he explained.

The SCH team’s successful operation highlights their commitment to maintaining safety in the region and addressing concerns of the local community.

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